Because the current thread remains schedulable and it is already the thread at the front of the scheduling queue in the OS kernel, it will simply continue to execute. 由于当前线程仍然是可调度的,并且它位于OS内核中的调度队列的最前面,所以它将继续执行。
Peer to peer task scheduling model based on queue theory 基于排队理论的对等网络任务调度模型
Weighted Scheduling Based-on Queue Length and Queue Delay Restriction for Asynchronous Optical Packet Switch 基于队列长度和时延约束的异步OPS权重调度
Combine Register Allocation with Instruction Scheduling by Register Queue Model 通过寄存器队列模型实现寄存器分配和指令调度
This paper presents a design scheme of input queued ATM switches supporting multicast and corresponding scheduling algorithm, referred to as multicast longest normalized queue first ( MLNQF). 文中提出了一种支持组播功能的输入队列ATM交换机的设计方案,并给出相应的输入队列组播调度算法,称为组播最长正则队列优先算法(MLNQF)。
The mathematical formula for real-time detecting parameters and bounded delay of each priority user's requests is built by combining the priority scheduling policy with queue theory, and the dynamical admission control and dispatching policy are implemented to control the request delay of each priority user. 通过结合优先级调度策略和排队论,建立了各优先类的用户请求实时检测参数与限定延迟间的数学公式,以实现动态的接纳控制和分发策略,达到控制各优先类的用户请求延迟的目的。
A scheduling strategy is given based on mixed priority of multilevel queue and time quota of radar event for phased array early warning radar. A set of event sequence is gained by analyzing priority of queue and deadline of event. 针对相控阵预警雷达,给出一种基于多级队列混合优先级和雷达事件时间配额的调度策略,通过对队列优先级和事件截止期的分析得到一组执行序列。
Traffic Scheduling Based on the Queue Length Threshold in ATM Networks ATM网络基于队列长度阀值的传输调度
In the research of queue scheduling and queue management, we proposed a simple and effective core-stateless virtual clock algorithm, which eliminate statefulness from virtual clock algorithm. 本文首先对队列调度和队列管理进行深入的研究,提出了一种简单、有效的核心无状态的虚拟时钟调度算法。
Scheduling Algorithm Research Based on Input Queue 输入排队中调度算法的研究
Finally, according to the implementation requirement of QoS in the terabit router, we present a two-stage QoS scheduling architecture including the VOQ queue management based on output ports in the input side and priority based queue in the output side. 最后通过T比特路由器QoS实现的需求,提出了输入侧基于输出端口VOQ排队和输出侧基于优先级排队的两级调度QoS实现结构,并给出了该结构下T比特高性能路由器的QoS实现方案。
Dynamic Scheduling Based on Virtual Operation Queue of Part for FMSs 基于零件虚拟工序队列的FMS动态调度研究
Resource Scheduling Strategy for ITS Based on Multi-level Queue Scheduling Algorithm 基于多级队列算法的ITS资源调度策略
Improvement of Packet Scheduling Based on Priority Queue in Multimedia Networks 多媒体通信网络中基于优先队列的包调度算法的改进
Transaction scheduling model based on the priority queue and the ordered shared locking protocol are designed. 设计了基于事件优先级队列的事务调度模型和有序共享的并发控制协议。
Every timer interrupt, scheduling if there is a process in run queue with higher priority than current process; 每次时钟中断看是不是有优先级比当前任务更高的任务就绪,决定是否调度;
A Dynamic Resource Scheduling with Prioritizing Queue for W-CDMA In the second part, a new DRS with prioritizing queue and a prioritizing queue-based DRS model are devised for WCDMA system. 一种用于W-CDMA系统的优先队列DRS第二部分,提出了一种新的具有优先队列的动态资源配置方案,并设计了一种基于优先队列的动态资源配置模型。
This paper first presents the need to realize QoS in Internet, then discusses the QoS realization mechanism which includes supporting protocol, scheduling algorithm, queue management and traffic engineering. Finally a QoS supporting implementation architecture in high speed network node is proposed. 本文首先介绍了在Internet中实现QoS的必要性,然后从支持协议、调度算法、队列管理和流量工程等几个方面探讨了QoS的实现机制,最后给出了高速网络节点中QoS实现的一种结构。
The proposed algorithm rebuilds the data structure of the scheduling queue, replaces the traverse step by a straight computing step for choosing the process with highest priority, and changes the uniform strategy into a dispersed recalculated strategy for time slice distributing. 该算法改造了进程调度队列数据结构,去掉了进程调度选择时的遍历步骤,更改为直接得到待选最高优先级进程,同时,该算法改统一的时间片重新分配策略为分散的时间片重算策略。
In this paper, the authors establish general software architecture of programmable router firstly. Based on the architecture, authors present a novel CPU scheduling algorithm based on queue length thresholds. We model this algorithm using stochastic Petri nets. 本文首先建立了一种通用的可编程路由器软件体系结构,在此基础上,提出了一种基于缓冲队列长度阈值的CPU调度算法,采用随机Petri网对算法进行了模型分析和计算。
Performance Study of Scheduling Policies for ATM Cell Switches with Input Queue 基于输入队列的ATM信元交换调度策略定性分析研究
Study on Packet Scheduling in Input Queue in ATM Networks ATM网络中的输入排队信元调度研究
With consideration of the packet aggregation effect, a novel packet scheduling algorithm called permutation-based longest queue first+ hold ( p-LQF+ Hold) was proposed. 针对该效应,提出一种新的分组调度算法p-LQF(longestqueuefirst)+Hold。
Processor Scheduling in Programmable Router Based on Queue Length Thresholds 可编程路由器中基于缓冲队列长度阈值的处理器调度
It has been proved that combining VOQ ( virtual output queueing) technology and some weighted scheduling algorithms, such as LQF ( longest queue first) and OCF ( oldest cell first), the switch throughput can reach 100% for all cell arrivals with independent distributions. 对于独立的信元到达,VOQ(virtualoutputqueueing)技术与LQF(longestqueuefirst)和OCF(oldestcellfirst)等加权调度算法的结合使用可以使利用交换开关的吞吐率达到100%。
Node needs Grid-based security and internal managing mechanisms. In this thesis a tasks scheduling algorithm is also presented based on priorities and multiply queue. 节点需要基于网格的安全机制和内部管理机制,本文提出了循环优先级比的任务调度算法和基于这种算法的任务组织结构。
For the scheduling of queue, this thesis proposes the BAQS algorithm which dynamically adjusts the bandwidth weights based on the average queue length, The algorithm allocates different bandwidth to various applications according to the current status of traffic. 在队列调度上,提出了基于平均队列长度的BAQS算法,该算法根据平均队列长度动态调整队列的带宽分配权值,使得不同应用根据当前流状况动态占用不同带宽。
The main branches of my classification of DBA are: grant sizing, grant scheduling, and optical network unit queue scheduling. 动态带宽分配分类的主要分支是:授权分配、授权调度以及光网络单元下的队列调度。
The results show that compared with carrier independent scheduling algorithm ( CIS), multi-carrier joint scheduling algorithm ( MCJS) provides lower queue delay and better user experience when supporting partial load service. ( 4) The interference management algorithms are investigated for Macro-cell and Femto-cell heterogeneous networks. 研究结果显示联合多载波调度算法相对于独立载波调度算法在支持部分负载(PartialLoad)情况下队列时延更小,用户体验更好。(4)研究了宏蜂窝和家庭基站混合异构网络下的干扰管理算法。
Job Scheduling System creates queue priority listings according to the collected data and the appointed scheduling strategy, by which Resource Management System starts to execute jobs. 作业调度系统根据这些数据和指定的调度策略生成队列优先级列表。资源管理系统根据这个队列优先级列表执行作业。